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Phenom-World is the global manufacturer of desktop scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and imaging and analysis packages for sub-micron-scale applications.


Phenom-World supplying worry-free imaging and analysis.


Intuitive and easy to use


The intuitive user interface of the Phenom electron microscope enables fast, high-quality SEM imaging with minimal training. You can discover the features of your sample by clicking on the areas of interest on the screen. The Phenom is equipped with an optical color microscope for a “never lost” sample navigation. Thanks to this function it is possible to swiftly navigate to any region of interest and keep the image overview of the sample.


Fully integrated software and hardware


The Phenom is equipped with a long lifetime, high brightness thermionic source (CeB6), that enables high-resolution imaging up to 130,000x magnification.


Unlike other systems, both EDS detector and Elemental Analysis software are fully embedded into the Phenom, offering you advanced point & click element identification, confirmation and verification modes.


Extremely Fast


Any sample can be placed easily into a specially designed sample holder. After loading the sample you receive an instant optical image and electron image in just 30 seconds. The Phenom is equipped with a computer controlled motorized X and Y stage, enabling any position on the sample to be imaged and analyzed.


Industries: Materials Science, Industrial Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Forensics, Electronics


Applications: Ceramics, Composites, Filters & Fibers, Metal & Alloys, Polymers & Plastics, Thin films, Biomedical, Cell biology, Cosmetics, Food, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical, Automotive & Aerospace, Construction, Filtration, Paint & Coating, Crime scene investigations, Gunshot Residue (GSR), Traffic accidents, Components & PCBs, MEMS, Semiconductor.


Scanning Electron Microscopes

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