Water Purification
Water Purification: The LabWater Specialists
MITEL / ELGA LabWater specializes in delivering water purification systems for research, science, clinical and healthcare environments. Our pure and ultra pure water purification systems provide a few liters to several thousands of liters of water per day reliably and consistently so you can focus on your research.
From simple routine washing and rinsing, through to ultra pure for the most critical applications such as ICP-MS and ultra trace analysis, the PURELAB range is designed to offer water purity to match your specific laboratory application.
The PURELAB range offers:
Type I, Type II, Type III water quality
From 1 liter up to 1,000 liters per day (up to 264 US Gallons per day)
Full validation support
Low running costs
The selection of the right pure water system for your laboratory will depend on varying factors such as the quality of water required, the volume of water, the level of certification required and several other parameters.
Typical Applications:
Type 1+: GF-AAS, ICP-MS,trace metal detection
Type 1: High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), GC, AAS, Immunocytochemistry, mammalian cell culture, plant tissue culture
Type 2+: General laboratory applications requiring higher inorganic purity
Type 2: Feed to ultra pure type 1 systems, feed to clinical analyzers, electrochemistry, sample dilution, media preparation, radioimmunoassay
Type 3: Feed to ultra pure water type 1 systems, feed to washing machines, dishwashers, autoclaves
What Water Quality Should you Use? Contact us.